I prepared the next slide for my students as well as the next information (click on the picture, even twice, to enlarge it):
Taken from;
http://www.reocities.com/plin9k/dolphins.jpg (Thanks to reocities.com for saving it!)
Interbreeding between Dolphin and false killer whale: There has been one case of a
female bottlenose dolphin (
Tursiops truncatus) and a
male false killer whale (
Pseudorca crassidens) producing a fertile female hybrid that has been called a wholphin. She,
the offspring, went on to
breed with a dolphin and produced a daughter in the Hawaii's Sea Life Park. Since the offspring in this case is fertile, these two '
genera' are really, by definition,
a single polytypic biological speciesNote: Other members in the group (12 living '
genera') are much more alike than the two that produced this offspring in Hawaii.
MacLeod declared: "...in the order Cetacea, there appears to be few, if any, postcopulatory species isolating mechanisms as successful hybridization between many species, genera, and even sub-families have been recorded."
MacLeod, C. D. 2000. Species Recognition as a Possible Function for
Variations in Position and Shape of the Sexually Dimorphic Tusks of Mesoplodon Whales.
Evolution, 54(6):2171-3
Fraser, F. C. 1940. Three anomalous
dolphins from Blacksod Bay,
Proc. R. Irish Acad. 45(B):413-455.
Nishiwaki, M., and T. Tobayama. 1982. Morphological study on the
hybrid between Tursiops and Pseudorca.
Sci. Rep. Whales Res. Inst. Tokyo 34:109-121.
Reyes, J. C. 1996. A possible case of
hybridisation in wild dolphins.
Mar. Mamm. Sci. 12:301-307.
A great website that presents the three, dad, mom and daughter jumping at the same time to allow us to compare their size differences:
In my article submitted to
Intelligent Design to Generate Biodiversity", I answered to the excellent comments posted by Stuart Harris and by Jerry D. Bauer:
The first practical and elementary genetic formula to be used here is:
P1 +
P2 =
F1 FertileThen:
P1 and
P2 are just varieties of the same kind or '
genos' (as we read in the book of Genesis) of organism, no matter how morphologically different they may appear.
This will be further illustrated with this dolphin striking example, also mentioned in my article:
Pseudorca crassidens +
Tursiops truncatus =
F1 FertileWhere:
Pseudorca crassidens = male false killer whale (14-foot, 2,000-pound)
Tursiops truncatus = female Atlantic bottlenose dolphin (6-foot, 400-pound)
F1 Fertile = a fertile female called a '
Wholpin', that itself has been able to conceive in three different occasions, her first calf lived for 9 years, the second died when born and this third one [its offspring], a female,
a putative product of this F1 female interbreeding with a 8-foot long Atlantic bottlenose male dolphin was born last December 2004.
Pseudorca crassidens and
Tursiops truncatus are just
varieties of the same
kind or '
baramin' (according to current nomenclature) of organism, not a different '
genus' [or as the Bible presents it to us, the same and compatible '
genus', not an '
evolving', different and incompatible, as gathered by using the uncertain scientific nomenclature of (misclassifying them as) '
genus'], as it is wrongfully and currently held by evolutionary scientists.
No matter how morphologically different they may appear and in disregard of the common names given to the involved animals (
false killer whale, dolphin, wholphin),
these are just varieties of dolphins!
Still, you won't read this full successful
F1 (Pseudorca x Tursiops) x Tursiops interbreeding story in indexed journals, at least not yet...
Pro Darwinians will want to continue
the winnow game by watering down
this great example of variation by saying that this only happened once and '
in captivity', but that this '
does not happen normally in the wild'. The fact is that they, these
P1 and
P2, have a '
genetic compatibility', as Stuart Harris declared, no matter their '
psychological mating preferences', as Goldschmidt may have said it.
This '
psychological mating preferences' is an aspect overemphasized in the current neo-Darwinian 'mind-
game' of '
divide', in the darwinist's attempt to '
prove' a fallacy, they want to convince everybody that new '
species' are emerging all the time, when
what we really see all the time is just varieties within the same kinds (genetic compatible groups).
The sheer fact is that those misnamed varieties of dolphins can interbreed producing fertile offspring!
And like this, I have seen that the misclassification of varieties as if pertaining to different species or worse, to different
genus, like in the example provided here, can reach the hundreds of thousands!
But, oh well, that's not important right now for the evolutionists, as far as they keep high the public ignorance in regards to this topic, in their attempt to keep promoting their sterile '
speciation' fallacy...
While evolutionists now try to violently stop alternatives to their views, they think that on doing so their failed evolutionary multi-theories may still 'afloat'. But thanks God that today we have '
the Internets' (smile).
A related example can be seen in the
HybriDatabase (confirming MacLeod's statement , substantiated by Fraser, by Nishiwaki and Tobayama, and by Reyes, etc.):
Hyb. # 1693.
Grampus griseus x
Tursiops truncatus. Intermediate characters suggest natural hybridization [Gray AP 1972]
This last one found using the:
http://www.bryancore.org/hdbConcluding: Then, by using this
Intelligent Design perspective, we can predict also that the real '
killer whale' is just the ‘
Saint Bernard’ of the dolphins, and that is able also to interbreed producing fertile offspring with the rest of its genetically compatible 'mates', being them the rest of the
real varieties of dolphins!
Update: After posting this example
at ARN, I received a note from the original webmaster that took and posted those amazing pictures, linked here:
The photos were actually provided by Sea Life Park for the Waimanalo News (now defunct) that i was helping to get online many years ago.
You take care.
You may also want to read
The Fraud of Evolution: Variation sold as Speciation as well as
Microevolution In Action.