The Dog Variation
All the Canis (domestic or feral) can interbreed and have a fertile offspring, being all of them members of the same kind of organism:

1. "Coyotes and wolves can interbreed and produce fertile offspring. In fact all members of the genus Canis (dogs, wolves, coyotes and jackals) are interfertile" [from the University of Alberta, Canada]
Taken from:
2. "Wolves and dogs can interbreed and produce [fertile] offspring. Wolves can be crossed with any breed of dog. The most common hybrids are wolf bred with malamute, husky, or German shepherd. Although wolf hybrids can occur naturally in the wild, this happens very infrequently due to the territorial nature of the wolf. Most hybrids are the result of deliberate breeding in captivity" [from the International Wolf Center (Teaching the World about Wolves)]
Taken from: See also: "The two are so closely related that they can interbreed and produce fertile offspring" [from the University of Alberta, Ca]
"Dogs can interbreed with wolves to form fertile wolf-dog hybrids. This tells us that dogs are technically not a different species from wolves. There are many other examples of this." (Cached from the BBC (Sat. 19th February 2005), thanks to Google) (broken link)
3. "Wolves, coyotes and domestic dogs are so closely related that they can interbreed with fertile offspring." [J. Elliott, from the Argonne National Laboratory]
4. Siberian Husky / Golden Jackal Cross. Result of a project in Russia, "the ultimate tracker" by mating Siberian Huskies with Golden Jackals. Klim Sulimov reasoned that Jackals have a sense of smell far greater than that of any dogs due to their scavenging lifestyle. However, not only are they unruly and near impossible to train, their short coats would offer no protection against Russian winters, hence the mating program. These hybrids are apparently excellent at identifying luggage containing explosives or drugs. They have yet to be named or recognized as an official dog breed. Only 20 are known to currently exist.
See also, from the same last link:
Dogote, the result of breeding a male domestic dog with a female Coyote.
This particular cross is a German Shepherd / north western Coyote from northern Washington state near the border of B.C.
Coydog, the result of breeding any domesticated female dog breeds with a male Coyote. This particular cross is a Coyote / Irish Setter.
Coywolf, the result of breeding a Wolf with a Coyote. This particular cross is a Coyote / Red Wolf.
Wolfdog, the result of breeding domesticated dogs with wolves. This particular cross is a Gray Wolf / Alaskan Malamute cross.
5. "Over several generations, the more tractable and useful animals were kept, each forming a breed: a tamed Northern wolf-dog here, an Asian wolf-dog there, a jackal-dog in another place, a dingo-dog some place else, and an African wild dog-dog or coyote-dog in other places and at other times" [from Mainstream 26(3), Fall 1995, by Geoff Simmons. Animal Protection Institute] (broken link)
6. Northeastern coyotes, product of hybridization between Canadian wolves and Western coyotes [Info. by Wildlife Technologies]
7. Red wolves:
Reich DE, Wayne RK, Goldstein DB. Genetic evidence for a recent origin by hybridization of red wolves. Mol Ecol. 1999 Jan;8(1):139-44.
"red wolves (Canis rufus) resulted from a hybridization between coyotes (C. latrans) and grey wolves (C. lupus)"
8. "Deforestation and loss of habitat allowed coyotes to move eastward and began to interbreed with the red wolf" (broken link)
Taken from:
2. "Wolves and dogs can interbreed and produce [fertile] offspring. Wolves can be crossed with any breed of dog. The most common hybrids are wolf bred with malamute, husky, or German shepherd. Although wolf hybrids can occur naturally in the wild, this happens very infrequently due to the territorial nature of the wolf. Most hybrids are the result of deliberate breeding in captivity" [from the International Wolf Center (Teaching the World about Wolves)]
Taken from: See also: "The two are so closely related that they can interbreed and produce fertile offspring" [from the University of Alberta, Ca]
"Dogs can interbreed with wolves to form fertile wolf-dog hybrids. This tells us that dogs are technically not a different species from wolves. There are many other examples of this." (Cached from the BBC (Sat. 19th February 2005), thanks to Google) (broken link)
3. "Wolves, coyotes and domestic dogs are so closely related that they can interbreed with fertile offspring." [J. Elliott, from the Argonne National Laboratory]
4. Siberian Husky / Golden Jackal Cross. Result of a project in Russia, "the ultimate tracker" by mating Siberian Huskies with Golden Jackals. Klim Sulimov reasoned that Jackals have a sense of smell far greater than that of any dogs due to their scavenging lifestyle. However, not only are they unruly and near impossible to train, their short coats would offer no protection against Russian winters, hence the mating program. These hybrids are apparently excellent at identifying luggage containing explosives or drugs. They have yet to be named or recognized as an official dog breed. Only 20 are known to currently exist.
See also, from the same last link:
Dogote, the result of breeding a male domestic dog with a female Coyote.
This particular cross is a German Shepherd / north western Coyote from northern Washington state near the border of B.C.
Coydog, the result of breeding any domesticated female dog breeds with a male Coyote. This particular cross is a Coyote / Irish Setter.
Coywolf, the result of breeding a Wolf with a Coyote. This particular cross is a Coyote / Red Wolf.
Wolfdog, the result of breeding domesticated dogs with wolves. This particular cross is a Gray Wolf / Alaskan Malamute cross.
5. "Over several generations, the more tractable and useful animals were kept, each forming a breed: a tamed Northern wolf-dog here, an Asian wolf-dog there, a jackal-dog in another place, a dingo-dog some place else, and an African wild dog-dog or coyote-dog in other places and at other times" [from Mainstream 26(3), Fall 1995, by Geoff Simmons. Animal Protection Institute] (broken link)
6. Northeastern coyotes, product of hybridization between Canadian wolves and Western coyotes [Info. by Wildlife Technologies]
7. Red wolves:
Reich DE, Wayne RK, Goldstein DB. Genetic evidence for a recent origin by hybridization of red wolves. Mol Ecol. 1999 Jan;8(1):139-44.
"red wolves (Canis rufus) resulted from a hybridization between coyotes (C. latrans) and grey wolves (C. lupus)"
8. "Deforestation and loss of habitat allowed coyotes to move eastward and began to interbreed with the red wolf" (broken link)
9. "Ethiopian wolves and golden jackals are the most distant relatives to Canis lupus (which include dogs, New Guinea singing dogs, dingoes, and wolves) with which it can interbreed and produce fertile offspring".
Conclusion: All the Canis, i.e., wolves, jackals, dingoes, coyotes, etc., can all interbreed with the domestic dog and produce fertile offspring. Being then all of them just varieties of the same kind of animal.
To appreciate some of the many varieties of dogs, go to the site of Nobuhisa & Seiko Takano:
To appreciate varieties of wolves, which are interfertile with dogs, go to the page of Francine Pucillo (FraniaP):
And also to the amazing posting of Dr Wilk, Mr. Canis lupus husky 2004, from Malbork:
Is this a new knowledge? No.
As we can read in:
Henry Alleyne Nicholson. A manual of zoology for the use of students. With a general introduction on the principles of zoology. 1844-1899. Second edition revised and considerably enlarged. New York, D. Appleton and Co., 1876.
We read in page 583
"It is worth while remembering, however, all our varieties of dogs are capable of interbreeding; and there is a strong probability that the Wolf is the parent stock of at least some of our domestic breeds. The Dog, in fact, will interbreed with both the Wolf [Canis lupus] and the Jackal [Canis aureus]"
And in:
The Globe Encyclopaedia of Universal Information. Edited by John M. Ross. 6 v. Boston, Estes & Lauriat, 1876-79.
We can read in page 419:
"Dog (Canis). "Another equally important subject is the question of the fertility or sterility of the progeny of the wolf and Dog when interbreed. We know with certainty that all our existing breeds of dogs can interbreed; and also that the Dog will interbreed with the wolf and the jackal, although the exact extent of the fertility between the wolf and Dogs breed has not been determined... Le Roy instances a Dog whose great-grandfather was a wolf... The entire subject of the origin of the breeds or races of dogs becomes further complicated when we reflect that naturalists [Evolutionists, Darwinists, neoDarwinists] are by no means clear among themselves as to the characters which are to be deemed purely "specific" in their nature, and those which, on the contrary, are only of "varietal" value. Until, therefore, decisive information be obtained as to what characters constitute a true "species", and what are those of a mere "variety", the exact relationships of the dogs must remain a matter of conjecture and dispute." [words in brackets and emphasis, mine]
It is very sad that since those days of Darwin's books (XIX Century), "naturalists are by no means clear among themselves... as to what characters constitute a true "species", and what are those of a mere "variety" "
This specific truth of genetic compatibility "is not convenient" for 'the theory of evolution'. So, as far as evolutionists and darwinists (in reality, atheists, the "God-rejectors") still sit at the throne of "scientific authority", nothing will change or improve in this, My Lord's ID field of Mendelian Biodiversity, being 'the barren queen' of 'speciation' the mistress of that illusory and amnesic 'evolution'.
Can this Blog Universe and the Internet together with Intelligent Design and the Discovery Institute in the U.S.A., debunk once and for all the darkness within Biology, I mean, Evolution and the fallacies and falsehoods of Darwinism?
That will be a very good day for the real science and for the freedom and progress in science, which today lays attached to the ancestral log of Darkness by the leash of Evolution and of Darwin.
Then, more recently in : Man and His Dog. Science 278(5336):205-207 (Oct., 1997)
We read:
"...when European explorers in the 18th and 19th centuries finally mapped the world, they found dogs wherever people existed... While most of the Amerind dogs have become extinct, some still remain. These breeds could have interbred with the coyote, C. latrans. Also, new dog populations may still be discovered in the Old World, as in the case of the Malaysian Telomian dog discovered by Elliot in 1965 [JP Scott, OS Elliot, A. Traftner, J. Kirchenbaum, Carnivore Genet. Newsl. 3, 45 (1967)]" "...all species in the genus Canis can interbreed...".
My comment again is that evolutionism is selling at a very high price plus a lot of time that which is only the simple and natural variability within animals. It is like presenting you with the bones of a fossilized Chihuahua-like dog at the side of a living mastiff and then concluding that the mastiff "evolved" from the fossilized Chihuahua one...
Any varieties of dogs are able to interbreed producing fertile offspring, as well as with wolves, red wolves, jackals, coyotes, dingoes, etc., so all of them are only varieties of the same kind of organism in disregard of how 'speciation' is attempting 'to sell them by mususe' to deceive the unawares...
Time after time I have seen that 'varieties' are been deliberately confounded with 'species' to sell the tale of evolutionism, and the same can be said of thousands and thousands of other organisms.
At least now the seekers of truth are opening their eyes while freely reading this lines!
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
In a recent development, "A rancher in Hood County, Texas, killed one of the evil looking canines that some say look a lot like the mysterious Chupacabra (goat sucker, a legendary vamipre-like dog, known to suck the blood of cattle animals like cows and goats)... "it wasn't normal", said Animal Control Office Frank Hackett, "It was ugly, real ugly..." Another... was killed earlier in the week... The animals will undergo DNA testing to determine what they really are"...
See it in video (0:36 sec.):
See both in picutres:
The head of the one killed earlier this week:
1 - Chupacabra 7. Posted by Dan Evon on July 14, 2010
The full body of the one killed today:
2 - Chupacabra 6. Posted by Dan Evon on July 14, 2010 (wrong date on camera 07/14/2007)
That animal looks like a wild breed of a prehispanic dog (Canine):
1) In Mexico called xoloescuintle (compressed google images links):
2) In the prehispanic America called xoloitzcuintli:
3) In Peru another of its breeds is called the "Peruvian Inca Orchid":
4) In Bolivia it is called the Khala:
Conclusion: All the Canis, i.e., wolves, jackals, dingoes, coyotes, etc., can all interbreed with the domestic dog and produce fertile offspring. Being then all of them just varieties of the same kind of animal.
To appreciate some of the many varieties of dogs, go to the site of Nobuhisa & Seiko Takano:
To appreciate varieties of wolves, which are interfertile with dogs, go to the page of Francine Pucillo (FraniaP):
And also to the amazing posting of Dr Wilk, Mr. Canis lupus husky 2004, from Malbork:
Is this a new knowledge? No.
As we can read in:
Henry Alleyne Nicholson. A manual of zoology for the use of students. With a general introduction on the principles of zoology. 1844-1899. Second edition revised and considerably enlarged. New York, D. Appleton and Co., 1876.
We read in page 583
"It is worth while remembering, however, all our varieties of dogs are capable of interbreeding; and there is a strong probability that the Wolf is the parent stock of at least some of our domestic breeds. The Dog, in fact, will interbreed with both the Wolf [Canis lupus] and the Jackal [Canis aureus]"
And in:
The Globe Encyclopaedia of Universal Information. Edited by John M. Ross. 6 v. Boston, Estes & Lauriat, 1876-79.
We can read in page 419:
"Dog (Canis). "Another equally important subject is the question of the fertility or sterility of the progeny of the wolf and Dog when interbreed. We know with certainty that all our existing breeds of dogs can interbreed; and also that the Dog will interbreed with the wolf and the jackal, although the exact extent of the fertility between the wolf and Dogs breed has not been determined... Le Roy instances a Dog whose great-grandfather was a wolf... The entire subject of the origin of the breeds or races of dogs becomes further complicated when we reflect that naturalists [Evolutionists, Darwinists, neoDarwinists] are by no means clear among themselves as to the characters which are to be deemed purely "specific" in their nature, and those which, on the contrary, are only of "varietal" value. Until, therefore, decisive information be obtained as to what characters constitute a true "species", and what are those of a mere "variety", the exact relationships of the dogs must remain a matter of conjecture and dispute." [words in brackets and emphasis, mine]
It is very sad that since those days of Darwin's books (XIX Century), "naturalists are by no means clear among themselves... as to what characters constitute a true "species", and what are those of a mere "variety" "
This specific truth of genetic compatibility "is not convenient" for 'the theory of evolution'. So, as far as evolutionists and darwinists (in reality, atheists, the "God-rejectors") still sit at the throne of "scientific authority", nothing will change or improve in this, My Lord's ID field of Mendelian Biodiversity, being 'the barren queen' of 'speciation' the mistress of that illusory and amnesic 'evolution'.
Can this Blog Universe and the Internet together with Intelligent Design and the Discovery Institute in the U.S.A., debunk once and for all the darkness within Biology, I mean, Evolution and the fallacies and falsehoods of Darwinism?
That will be a very good day for the real science and for the freedom and progress in science, which today lays attached to the ancestral log of Darkness by the leash of Evolution and of Darwin.
Then, more recently in : Man and His Dog. Science 278(5336):205-207 (Oct., 1997)
We read:
"...when European explorers in the 18th and 19th centuries finally mapped the world, they found dogs wherever people existed... While most of the Amerind dogs have become extinct, some still remain. These breeds could have interbred with the coyote, C. latrans. Also, new dog populations may still be discovered in the Old World, as in the case of the Malaysian Telomian dog discovered by Elliot in 1965 [JP Scott, OS Elliot, A. Traftner, J. Kirchenbaum, Carnivore Genet. Newsl. 3, 45 (1967)]" "...all species in the genus Canis can interbreed...".
My comment again is that evolutionism is selling at a very high price plus a lot of time that which is only the simple and natural variability within animals. It is like presenting you with the bones of a fossilized Chihuahua-like dog at the side of a living mastiff and then concluding that the mastiff "evolved" from the fossilized Chihuahua one...
Any varieties of dogs are able to interbreed producing fertile offspring, as well as with wolves, red wolves, jackals, coyotes, dingoes, etc., so all of them are only varieties of the same kind of organism in disregard of how 'speciation' is attempting 'to sell them by mususe' to deceive the unawares...
Time after time I have seen that 'varieties' are been deliberately confounded with 'species' to sell the tale of evolutionism, and the same can be said of thousands and thousands of other organisms.
At least now the seekers of truth are opening their eyes while freely reading this lines!
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
In a recent development, "A rancher in Hood County, Texas, killed one of the evil looking canines that some say look a lot like the mysterious Chupacabra (goat sucker, a legendary vamipre-like dog, known to suck the blood of cattle animals like cows and goats)... "it wasn't normal", said Animal Control Office Frank Hackett, "It was ugly, real ugly..." Another... was killed earlier in the week... The animals will undergo DNA testing to determine what they really are"...
See it in video (0:36 sec.):
See both in picutres:
The head of the one killed earlier this week:
1 - Chupacabra 7. Posted by Dan Evon on July 14, 2010
The full body of the one killed today:
2 - Chupacabra 6. Posted by Dan Evon on July 14, 2010 (wrong date on camera 07/14/2007)
That animal looks like a wild breed of a prehispanic dog (Canine):
1) In Mexico called xoloescuintle (compressed google images links):
2) In the prehispanic America called xoloitzcuintli:
3) In Peru another of its breeds is called the "Peruvian Inca Orchid":
4) In Bolivia it is called the Khala:
These observations led me to seek at Google books, and found:
"The chupacabra (chupacabras, "goat sucker", in Spanish) is a mysterious predator first reported in Puerto Rico in the 1970s (1975) and now supposedly active throughout South and Central America, Northward into Mexico, and parts of the United States. Between 1996 and 2008, attacks by the same or a similar creature were also reported in Spain, Portugal, Russia, and the Philippines... named for its habit of drinking blood from livestock and other domestic animals.... At least in the United States, those examined by experts have been identified as dogs or coyotes suffering from mange (a skin condition causing painful rash and loss of hair)... returned for more raids in 1991... police blamed the damage on dogs... In November 1995, attacks began in Guatemala... one witness compared it to a large black dog... in September 1996, draining blood from Portuguese sheep through single puncture wounds in their necks. A biologist blamed the attacks on "an extremely intelligent and experienced wolf," which apparently had only one fang in its mouth... Another supposed chupacabra was shot in Nicaragua, after killing 70 goats and sheep in August 2000... Oddly, the official report - delayed until January 2002 - declared: "This is a common dog..." In July 2004, a Texas rancher shot a hairless, dog-like creature that attacked his livestock. Although touted as chupacabra, it proved to be a coyote with mange. Two more mangy coyotes were trapped in the same area in October 2004. Three more similar coyotes were found in August 2007, at Cuero, Texas, where farmers reported chickens drained of blood over the past 12 months... in January 2008, farmers in the Philippine province of Capiz, on Panay Island, claimed that the chupacabra had attacked their chickens. The elusive beast was described as resembling a dog... Published theories include: Known predators, including feral dogs, coyotes, wolves... The obvious drawback is that none of these animals simply drink blood without eating their prey."
Michael Newton. Hidden Animals. ABC-CLIO, 2009. 200 pages (pp. 127 - 130...)
And the observations of a new hairless feral variety of Texan dogs, highly related to the prehispanic ones mentioned before that's been called the "Texas Blue Dog":
Downes, J. CRYPTOZOOLOGY ONLINE: On The Track (Of Unknown Animals) Episode 31 Texas expedition Blue dog dissection Blue dog eyewitness
Corinna Downes interviews Jesse Stelzer
Downes, J. CRYPTOZOOLOGY ONLINE: On The Track (Of Unknown Animals) Episode 30
Kempner, TX, USA Naomi and Ritchie West November 2004 Elmendorf San Antonio Texas Hairless wild animal in Tucson, AZ
Dude, despite your ranting and raving, even Answers in Genesis accepts that speciation, defined by them as inability to interbreed, can occur. In fact they say that occurs much faster and more frequently than evolutionists say. The baraminologists agree, and often put the level of "kind" way up at the family level. It's a complex topic and the real creation scientists are still working on defining "kind", but they all agree that it is a bigger group than "only things that can interbreed."
You aren't helping the creationist cause by spouting your ravings. And, FYI, using lots of boldface type doesn't make your argument more convincing, it just makes it really hard to read.
Be careful what you wish for. If you were right about species = kinds, and species = only that which can interbreed, there would be way too many "species" to put on the ark.
Well, thanks so much for reading this posting and for presenting your personal opinion.
My purpose is to produce new biodiversity using the premises of Intelligent Design.
Also, if 30 new varieties of dogs can be generated by humans in the near future, that will add to the 150 pure breeds of dogs currently recognized. Another “Dude” in “Ask Earl’ declares: “If you count mixed breeds, the total number of dog breeds ranges from 200 to over 400.” Plus, I must add, if you include the rest of the wild and fertile inter-breeders for domestic dogs, and all their corresponding varieties (jackals, dingoes, wolves, coyotes, etc.), that will considerably increase the number of Canis. However, at the beginning of the day, all that we needed for those exuberant and diverse current varieties of Canis was initially only one couple!
Thanks again for reading and for posting.
Of course fdocc is right on. Dogs are remarkable in the animal kingdom in having so much potential genetic variability. It is interesting that the Darwinians actually are so out of touch with reality that they continue to use the dog as a model for evolution, when there is hardly another creature with such potential, although I think the Asiatic carp (Goldfish) is comparable.
Canis evolutionary stability also proves beyond any doubt what I have maintained for years which is that the primary role for sexual reproduction is anti-evolutionary. Like Natural Selection, obligatory sexual (Mendelian) reproduction has and had absolutely nothing to do with a past organic evolution, a process no longer demonstrable and in my opinion quite impossible. That is what drove me to the Semi-meiotic Hypothesis (SMH) which to this day has been neither acknowledged nor tested with suitable material. Of course that is not surprising since the Darwinians are not likely to test an hypothesis which could destroy their own ideological myth in a heartbeat is it? They even stopped testing their own gradualist fairy tale years ago. They tired of failure. The last serious attempt was by Dobzhansky with Drosophila. It is to his credit that he admitted failure, something the "establishment" conveniently ignores.
Let there be no question however, a past vigorous evolution is undeniable. We must look elsewhere for the mechanism and I think I know where that must be and have published my conclusions, beginning in 1984 and continuing to this day.
Dr. Davison,
Thanks for your insights!
Thanks for creating this blog, I like to cruise blogs to see what other people think about.
portuguese water dog
hi I was surfing the blogs tonight, just looking for info on coydogs. I have one.. the vet confirmed it. plus I live right outside of Houston!
your career studies are fascinating.. I am an art teacher. MY dog (diamond ) is beautiful.. half coyote half husky. check my blog for her pic. She is very friendly, hyper, submissive but has a good bark with an occasional yelp - like a coyote,
Dear Nina,
Thank you for your comment! We have included here the link to two pictures of your coyote-dog diamond, and her face.
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