Research on Intelligent Design

To put together scientific advances from the perspective of Intelligent Design.

Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Common Patterns in the Ancient World, their Pyramids and gods

The hypothesis that we present here is that by studying the Archaeological patterns for the non-Israelite cultures of the old world, we can identify their common elements.

Babel’s tower, and all the ancient Babylonian ziggurats preserved until now are similar in purpose and design to the ancient American pyramids, used with the purpose of interacting with their gods in their high places. Please, compare by yourself the Babylonian ziggurats:

With Pre-Columbian pyramids:



[Note: Here, apart of the 'captivating' Maya audio effect, you need to remember also the precise mathematical design of that pyramid in correspondence with the sun (“the spring equinox shadow” of the sun, ending in the stone head of the serpent) to simulate the “Descend of the serpent” and re-enacted for tourists night after night, with the use of artificial lights].


And with Chinese pyramids:

And also with the Japanese, now uderwater, pyramids:

Not to mention their exhuberant material in Egypt.

One purpose of the pyramids was to establish interaction with their gods, as we read of the ziggurat of Babel’s tower, which:
“was crowned by a temple where the god was thought to descent for intercourse with mankind” (D. J. Wiseman, University of London, The New Bible Dictionary, 1962, p. 117)
Another deplorable activity performed at the top of the pyramids, or on the high places, like over the mountains and mounds, was the human sacrifice with the purpose to beg or to calm the moody gods of the heathen (the demons or fallen angels).

A third activity performed at the top of the pyramids was to 'predict' times and seasons for their towns and individuals through the use of astrology, a perversion of the ancient revelation preserved today in the Biblical astronomy as followed by the wise-men of Persia when they visited the little boy Jesus.

At the top of Tulum, Coba and other high sites, the Maya preserve the figure representing “the god that descends” (with similar features to some Hindu head-dress representations; also notice its Babylonian wings), also called the “god of the bees” (while the Bible defines for the heathen practices, “the god of the flies” or Baal). That Mayan god is represented as descending to interact with humans, and most specifically, to intimate with human females.

In the old book of “Mexico Through the Centuries” (“México a Través de los Siglos”, Vol. 1), by Riva-Palacio, we found the next pre-Columbian graphic, interpreted there as the sun descending over the earth at the sunshine, but we can also identify the allusion to the previous figure representing one of their gods descending (a fallen one over a woman):

The same feature of a monster-like face over a female face is recurrent in the Maya artcraft:

Next is a representation of the Maya 'monsters' over a victim, a young one under its stool:

In the same way that Eve was deceived by a serpent, the spiritualism or spiritism of the pre-Columbians includes a materialized serpent as the provider of wisdom...

Evils spirits posing as their gods (the fallen ones) were materialized at the eyes of the Maya once the offering of human blood was presented to them (Lintel 15 (Yaxchilan), “The Rearing Vision Serpent”), those evil spirits appeared with serpent bodies and human heads (“the long looping body of the Vision Serpent transforming into the torso of K’awil (“cavil” in Poqom Maya (compiled by Fray Pedro Moran (1720) and by Fray Diego Zuñiga (1608), studied by Susan Miles (1957)), and “q’abwil” in Maya K’iche (Quiche) and Kaqchikel, meaning “gods”, as well as their “carved images”, and the fact that those 'gods' are “volatile”, pp. 194, 443, Freidel et al, 1993, Maya Cosmos, Quill William Morrow, N.Y.)”; or the head of a “human” “emerging from the mouth of the serpent”, “Yat-Balam, founding ancestor of the dynasty of Yaxchilan, emerging from the mouth of an enormous Vision Serpent", called “nawal of the founder”, pp. 184-5, 196, Freidel et al, 1993), in Lintel 13 of Yaxchilan we can see the son of Jaguar-Bird emerging from the mouth of a serpent (“being born from the snake”, p. 219, Freidel et al, 1993).

An example (human blood-shed offering to their gods (and an evil spirit appearing in the shape of a serpent with a human head emerging from it, and giving instructions to its unaware female “victim”):

The war snake (“the great war serpent”, p. 207, “with a half flayed body decorated with feather fans”, p. 208), named Waxaklahun-Ubah-Kan, the Maya War Serpent appears with the tok’-pakal (the flint shield) in a lintel (Yaxchilan Lintel 25), showing the king’s principal wife, Lady K’abal-Xok (in: A Forest of Kings (Schele and Freidel, 1990:262-305), the full recounting of her story) communing with “the ('spirit of the') founder of (her husband’s, Freidel et al, 1993, p. 208) lineage” (an evil spirit posing as an ancestor, like in the medium's seances), after Shield-Jaguar had conjured him up through bloodletting during his accession rite. Holding a bowl full of paper splattered with her blood, she kneels gazing up at Yat-Balaam, the founder, emerging from the Waxaklahun-Ubah-Kan, the transformed war monster originally imported from Teotihuacan” (Freidel et al, 1993, p. 308).

Precolumbian Maya practiced bloodletting... to enter vision rites and ecstatic trance and to commune with the gods... communication with “the Otherworld”... (Freidel et al, 1993, pp. 207-8).
Other "Vision Serpents" can be seen in the modeled stucco example from Group H, Waxaktun, currently dated to the Late Preclassic Mayan period (see Schele and Freidel, Forest of Kings, 1990, Chapter 4), and a black-line graffito on the wall of Structure 5C-2nd at Cerros, Belize. This graffito shows a tau-toothed god or ancestor in the mouth of the Vision Serpent, the earlier example of this kind of depiction so far. Current work in the Preclassic ruins of the Maya region will no doubt push this concept back even further in time (Freidel et al, 1993, p. 447, Note 71)

Kisin takes the form of a large snake called Ochcan (och-kan), which is described as being very big... having a large shiny eye. When the initiate and the ochcan meet face to face, the alter rears up on his tail and, approaching the initiate till their faces are almost touching, puts his tongue in the initiate’s mouth. In this manner, he communicates the final mysteries of sorcery [final initiation of a Q’eqchi’ shaman in the village of San Antonio]... The master had previously removed all his clothes and was standing nude. The snake [“spirit” dragon] came up to him and after licking him all over, proceeded to swallow him whole. A few moments later he passed him out of his body with excrement. The master didn’t appear to be much the worse for his adventure. Very similar initiation ceremonies in Chiapas are described by Nuñez de la Vega (1700, which describes a cave as the location of the initiation ceremony) [Q’eqchi’ shamans in the village of Sokotz, Belize]” (Thompson, J. E., Ethnology of the Mayas of Southern and Central British Honduras, 1930, Field Museum of Natural History, Pub. 274, Anthropological Series Vol. XVII, No. 2, Chicago, pp. 68-9, 109-10).

Ancient Maya drew ropes and bark paper through their tongues to conjure up Vision Serpents [some of the texts that record the conjuring of Vision Serpents may refer to bringing spirit[s] (evil spiritual possession) into these living snakes]... blood-splattered paper and bloody ropes... kings drew through their penises and kings and queens drew through their tongues...” (Freidel et al, 1993:205, 209, 448, Note 76).

“Och-Kan, the animal spirit (vision serpent, also the name of the “boa constrictor”) companion of K’awil (a “god”) emerges from a ceremonial bar” (pp. 198, 196, 448 (note 73), Freidel et al, 1993):

Flint-headed sun god emerging from a double-headed serpent bar on Copan stela A [Note: that reminds us of the deliberate lengthening of the head practiced by the Inca, also seen in the Egyptian Akenaton (see pictures in Apr. 2001, Natl. Geographic, “Pharaohs of the Sun” (in Amarna, their Sun god Aten, Akhenaten (born Amenhotep IV), Nefertiti, Kiya (his lover), and Tutankhamun), pp. 34-57 ), in the Olmecs, etc.]” (p. 199, Freidel et al, 1993):

Then we read in National Geographic, 1999, Vol. 196, p. 48, & in National Geographic 1996, Vol. 189, pp. 76-77:

“Unruffled after 500 years on Ampato (in the Peruvian Andes)... lightning had clearly hit the third grave found on this peak. The bolt consumed a child’s flesh, leaving bones and scraps of charred clothing... Jagged scars mark spots where heat fused the surrounding earth to the ceramic.... “the weirdest things can happen with lightning” (says Johan Reinhard, researcher/discoverer of the articles)... buried apart, a silver (small statue of a) llama (height:1.5 Inches) likely stood for the herds that petitioners hoped would multiply... The fairest children were costumed, feted, and perhaps buried alive with ceremonial objects in “sacred locations”. The Inca saw mountains as especially important sites...” In National Geographic, 1997, Vol. 191(1), p. 40 we read: “neither bones nor teeth show signs of disease or malnutrition. The Inca chose a perfectly healthy girl (or a boy, p. 42) – about 14 years old and four feet ten inches tall – as a gift to their gods

Likewise, as the animal-human mixes found in other of the ancient heathen cultures of the world (i.e., bird-human Isis in Egypt, the Elephant-human Govind in India, the multiple human-animals in the Greek Mythology, the human-jaguar of the Olmecs, etc.), so, the Maya had their own, like the next example of an anthropomorphic figure with head of bird found in Palenque, confirming the link between heathen beliefs among ancient cultures:

For now, we can conclude that even if the old world humanity was extremely intelligent (with each human living for a long span), all of them were cultures that deliberately or by inheritance rejected, ignored or did not knew the original revelation of the benevolent and just God, our eternal and almighty God. Thus, their beliefs sided with destruction and sided with death... both, common elements in all the heathen traditions of the world.

Other Links, like the BBC - PBS - Nova Inca TV shows:
"Mummies Unwrapped" looks at mummies from different ancient cultures, Web by students, the site explains, "a lot of…mummies have been intentionally, or accidentally processed in sand, tar, or mud; freeze-dried in a cave; or sacrificed in a bog."

Related to sexual diseases and degeneracy by consanguinity in the pre-Columbian world (similar to the rest of the ancient world) we can read the next:

“The 9,000-year-old skull revealed auditory exostosis... Mummies found at Chinchorro site in Chile (and in: Antofagasta, Cobija, Tocopilla, Patillos, Inquique, Pisagua, Arica, Ilo, etc.) show evidence of bone infection, degenerated vertebrae, and possibly syphilis” [Iván Muñoz & Juan Chacama, Universidad de Tarapacá, National Geographic, 1995, Vol. 187, p. 73].


Blogger TR said...

Babylon fell, and so did the Mayans. They had pagan gods, one being Baal. Christians refer to him as being Satan himself, however, Baal was worshiped by the Israelites before Jesus and was the god of water, fertility, agriculture..etc.

In fact, it was a huge problem throughout the land of Israel, until of course, they were exiled. When Joseph conquered so many by the hand of God, the land was given to His people as He had promised, on one condition..they follow the rules.

They didn't follow the rules, and kept going back to Baal long after Joseph died. Eventually, God took the land back and many suffered.

It was only after them being exiled that they realized they were not to do this anymore. It was then that the Israelites committed themselves to God, and God alone. Baal was then exiled in a sense.

However, this was happening in other cultures as well, such as in Egypt and in the Mayan culture, and paganism was derived in Babylon.

Babylon fell, the Egyptians fell, and so did the Mayans..a coincidence? I don't think so.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010 12:07:00 AM  

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