Research on Intelligent Design

To put together scientific advances from the perspective of Intelligent Design.

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

A Visual Mormon Reproof

This is a visual study in order for you to forensically track the fingerprints of Mormonism (references below each image; frequent references at the end of this study):

                                                             Fig. 1 - PGP p. 28 [885] of *

                                                          Fig. 4 - PGP p. 28 [885] of *

Fig. 6 - PGP p. 29-30 [886-887] of *

Fig. 7 - p. 2 of **

                                                 Fig. 9 - PGP p. 36 [893] of *

Fig. 11 - ***

Fig. 12 - ***

Fig. 13 - ***

Fig. 14 - PGP p. 37 [894] of *

Fig. 16 - p. 2 of ** also * PGP p. 38 [895, ‘Ab. 3:25b-4:4a’ {plagiarism and adulteration of KJV Gen. 1:1-4a}]

Fig. 17 - PGP p. 41 [898] of *

Fig. 18 - ****

Fig. 19 - **** 

Fig. 20 - ****

Fig. 22 - p. 3 of ** also * PGP p. 5 [862, ‘Mo. 2:1:10’ {plagiarism and adulteration of KJV Gen. 1:1-10}]

Fig. 23 - p. 4 of ** also * PGP p. 18 and p. 20 [875, ‘Mo. 6:40’; and 877, ‘Mo. 7:2’ {plagiarism of Enoch Pseudepigrapha}] Some links in this figure are:

Fig. 24 - p. 4 of ** also * D&C 95:7, p. 185 [744], manuscript: , plagiarized and adulterated from 1 Sam. 1:3 and many other places in the Bible, Lord of Sabaot means: Lord of Hosts; see: 

Fig. 25 - p. 5 of **, also [pp. 682-683 (OT) {Notice the prominent KJV italics, that Joseph Smith ‘translation’ (JST = IV) is NOT a translation but a tampered by adulteration version of the Bible with the added imaginations and deceptions of Joseph Smith, Sidney Rigdon, Oliver Cowdery, Parley P. Pratt, etc.}]

Fig. 26 - p. 5 of #, taken from references within pp. 1-8 of #

Fig. 28 - p. 8 of %

Fig. 29 - p. 1 of # 

Fig. 30 - p. 304 of @ also at * BoM p. 46 [61, ‘1 Ne. 20:1’ {plagiarism and adulteration of KJV Isaiah 48:1}]

Fig. 31 - p. 6 of ** also at * BoM pp. 81-82 [96-97, ‘2 Ne. 12:4b-21a’ {plagiarism and adulteration of KJV Isaiah 2:4-19}]

Fig. 32 - pp. 33-34 of # also at * BoM p. 112 [127, ‘2 Ne. 30:6’]

Fig. 33 - pp. 302-303 of @, and Mormon 'Scholars' always lie: , compare it with the original BoM of 1830 (p. 590) and a version of 1837 (p. 621) respectively, currently at *, p. IX [9]

Fig. 34 - p. 7 of **, also at * PGP p. 43 [900 {acknowledged tampered adulteration by Joseph Smith of the KJV Mt. 23:39-24:1-5a}]

Fig. 35 - pp. 292-297 of @; track the rest of contradictions by yourself at: , , also at *, pp. 13-14 [572-573, D&C 7 {another blatant lie by Joseph Smith and Oliver Cowdery tampering by adulterating Jn. 21:22 and verses around it}]

Fig. 37 - p. 8 of **, also [p. 278 (NT), see note to Fig. 25, as that is not a Joseph Smith ‘translation’, but a tampering by adultery, in this case of Rev. 12 and 13]

Fig. 38 - First 'revelation' of Joseph Smith related to his polygamy: He indicates to the Mormon white leadership of 1831 to take wives from the Native Indians in order for their offspring to become 'white', pp. 32-33 of #, also at:

Fig. 39 - The later interpolation known as the Rocky Mountains 'prophecy', pp. 30-32 of #, also at: [also saved at,

Fig. 41 - The "Table of Jupiter" Talisman that Joseph Smith always carried with him, even at the moment of his death, he did not have the 'magic' garments then but certainly he had his superstitious talisman with him while Hyrum, his brother, had one of the many family enchantment 'parchments' owned by their dad. See also:

Fig. 42 - p. 1 of **, Parts of the 1844 political U.S. Presidential campaign poster of Joseph Smith (JS) and Sidney Rigdon, with subliminal hidden symbols and words; JS and Hyrum were Masons (see ‘endowment’), having unlawfully destroyed the Nauvoo Expositor that lawfully exposed their ‘plural marriages’ (JS at least had ~33 hidden ‘wives’) while lying in sermon and ‘doctrine’ as JS did since the beginning, lying at full hands, carrying always a hidden table of Jupiter’ talisman while Hyrum carried a ‘family parchment filled with occult symbols even at their death.

Final Notes:

Additional putative sources for Joseph Smith’s et al. inspiration’ are out of the scope of this brief study, as well as deeper studies tracking design and pattern-recognition, such as special software (Dale), plus linguistics, history, DNA and genetics, anthropology, archaeology, sociology, old newspapers, & decisions

Two sets of final references have been linked to the version 1.9 as I did learn more and more about the two tenets of Mormonism, with the heart to help them to dwell only on the Bible: 1) “Ye shall not surely die” (this is the first and successful deception of Satan as seen not only in Mormonism starting with Moroni or Nephi while expanding it to the extreme, but also seen in Catholicism, Spiritualism, and in mainstream Protestantism); 2) “Ye shall be as God” (a shame for ‘Christianity’ but even most shameful for Mormonism. According to JS et al., the lie [promoted by Mormonism] is: “ye shall be Gods,” having your own worlds populated by the offspring of your multiple ‘celestial wives’).

Frequent references: